The Punjab Police has filed a supplementary charge sheet against Sachin Thapan alias Sachin Bishnoi, the third and main accused in the Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala murder case.Â
   During the hearing on the previous day, Sachin was brought from Delhi and presented in Mansa court. Significantly, Sachin is currently with the NIA where he is being investigated in the gangster-terror case.
   According to the information received, the charge sheet filed against Sachin Thapan has been recorded on the basis of 155 witnesses in which 8 government and 147 private witnesses are included.Â
   The police have accused Sachin of providing a Bolero car to the accused in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case. Apart from this, he had prepared gangsters Baldev Nikku and Sanjeev Kekra for Reiki.