Edu / Immi

Set back for Indian Students: Australia to end ‘visa hopping’ in the migration system

Sydney: The Australian government is making it even more difficult for foreign nationals to engage in “visa hopping.” New visa rules are being implemented for students in Australia, which may increase the difficulties of students, especially Indian students.

The education visa policy is being significantly tightened from July 1. Additionally, those living on T-visas are also facing stricter regulations, which will directly impact people of Indian origin, particularly Punjabi youth.

Firstly, Visitor Visa holders will no longer be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. The visitor-to-student pathway has become increasingly prevalent, with over 36,000 applications from July 1, 2023, to the end of May 2024.

Secondly, Temporary Graduate Visa holders will not be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. In their recent “Graduates in Limbo” report, the Grattan Institute found that 32 percent of Temporary Graduate Visa holders are returning to study when their visa expires to prolong their stay in Australia.

Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O’Neil said in a press release issued by the Australian government, “The migration system we inherited was completely broken, and our goal is to build a smaller, better planned, more strategic migration system that works for Australia.”