
Unhealthy food is the root cause of 56% of diseases in the country, ICMR issues dietary guidelines

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has said that unhealthy diet is the cause of 56.4 percent of diseases in India. The ICMR has issued guidelines on 17 types of diet to meet the requirements of essential nutrients and avoid diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Eating foods rich in nutrients can reduce heart diseases and high blood pressure to a great extent and also prevent diabetes.

Premature death can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The organization recommends using a small amount of oil and fat, exercising properly, eating less sugar and junk food.

He advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat foods rich in nutrients to avoid obesity. 17 types of doses have been added.

The guidelines state that a balanced diet should not contain more than 45 per cent of the calories from cereals and millets.

Similarly, it should contain up to 15 percent calories from pulses, seeds and meat. It is advisable to use dry fruits, vegetables, fruits and milk to get the remaining calories.