Edu / ImmiInternational

Australia Migration Limit Announcement: After Canada, Australia’s setback to international students

Sydney: After Canada, Australia has also given a big blow to Indian students. The government has now geared up to control the increasing number of students here. Australia said on Tuesday it would limit the number of international student admissions to 270,000 by 2025, as property prices have risen due to record migration.

The decision follows actions taken last year to end COVID-19 concessions for foreign students and workers in Australia, which helped businesses recruit locally, while foreign workers were kept out of strict borders.

Education Minister Jason Kler said in a press conference that today our universities have about 10% more international students than before Corona and about 50% more in private vocational and training providers, so it is planned to take strict action on this.

Earlier, the government had more than doubled the visa fee of foreign students last month to check the increase in migration.