
Congratulations to AAP family on Arvind Kejriwal’s bail: Sunita Kejriwal

New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal today congratulated the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) family on the bail granted to him by the Supreme Court and wished for the speedy release of other leaders lodged in Tihar jail.

Senior party leader Manish Sisodia said the Supreme Court has given a big message to the BJP that the saffron party has to stop dictatorship. “The apex court’s verdict is a big slap on the face of the BJP. The court has also taken note of the fact that the CBI is acting like a caged parrot.”

Sisodia said the BJP should apologise for putting a hard-line honest leader like Arvind Kejriwal in jail.

On the other hand, after Kejriwal was granted bail by the Supreme Court, the Aam Aadmi Party thanked the Supreme Court for this decision, while calling the decision a victory of truth.