Edu / ImmiPunjab News

Punjab University Patiala deputy registrar suspended in fake bill scam investigation

Chandigarh: The deputy registrar of Punjab University’s examination branch, Dharampal Garg, has been suspended in connection with a fake bill scam that came to light three years ago. The suspension was confirmed in a letter issued by the university’s registrar.

The scam involved fraudulent salary or fellowship bills for research fellows. An internal committee, established by the Vice-Chancellor to investigate the matter, scrutinized 125 bills and submitted a report implicating Garg in the processing of these fake documents.

The scam, first uncovered in 2021, revealed that a senior assistant at the university had deposited large sums of money into personal and colleagues’ bank accounts using forged bills, stamps, and signatures. Following the discovery, the university filed a police complaint against seven individuals linked to the scheme.

Further investigation into the scam is ongoing as authorities and university officials work to address the misconduct and ensure accountability.