CrimeEdu / Immi

Jalandhar NIT professor accused of sexual harassment

Jalandhar: Students at the NIT (National Institute of Technology) created a commotion against a professor on Friday night. The students alleged that the professor attempted to rape and sexually harass an MBA student in exchange for passing her paper.

These allegations were made against the PhD professor by the MBA student, who subsequently filed a complaint with the women’s cell in Jalandhar. Officers from the Women’s Cell are expected to take action today in response to the complaint.

Sources have disclosed that the professor in question joined the institute approximately 11 months ago and has been accused of misconduct not only with MBA students but also with PhD students.

The incident reportedly began on Friday afternoon when the professor allegedly attempted to assault the student and offered to pass her paper in exchange.

The student vehemently objected to this proposition and promptly informed her fellow students. Despite the matter being reported to the institute, the students claim that no appropriate action was taken. Efforts to resolve the issue continued late into the night.