
Failed to crack PSC exam: Thief shoot couple’s intimate video, blackmails them

New Delhi: A case of blackmail involving a couple has come to light in Durg, Chhattisgarh. The perpetrator, a man who had repeatedly taken the Civil Service (PSC) exams in hopes of securing a government job, resorted to illegal means after failing the exams multiple times.

The man, identified as 28-year-old Vinay Kumar Sahu, secretly recorded a private video of the couple and then attempted to extort Rs 10 lakh from them.

According to information provided by the Chhattisgarh Police, Sahu had visited the couple’s house last month with the intention of stealing. However, instead of stealing, he recorded private videos using his mobile phone and demanded money in exchange for not making the videos public.

The victim received an anonymous WhatsApp call as part of the blackmail attempt.

He had visited the couple’s house last month with the intention of stealing, but instead of stealing, he recorded private video using a stolen mobile phone and demanded money from them for not making their videos public. However, police were already tracking the stolen phone and he was nabbed.